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All Discussions
JapanDict forum Rules and Guidelines
What is the use of smaller ぁぃぅぇぉ
Feature request: different fonts
a doubt regarding a phrase
CSV Export Feature
alternate reading for 真実
Why do people sometimes write words like this
User-defined pagination for user-defined lists
what on earth does のめ(nome) mean???
"tags" explanation and discrimination
怖 or 恐 - Difference?
Help Picking Between 竜 and 龍
A Question about the Following Ghost Character: 槞
Suggestion - Improving search for verb forms
The pronunciation of “ha” on the hiragana page is incorrect.
キルティング article may have incorrect romanization
勝利 article may have incorrect romanization
鷹 article's example sentence has no translation
old cursive style ?
Some searches not working anymore
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