I've been learning Japanese for a good 4 years, and something that always bugged me is that computer font is really different from handwriting font sometimes. The font used in the dictionary, it's very clear and easy to read, though a little too blocky. It's fine if you're just looking up a word, but some people use the lists such as JLPT N4 and copy out the words from there with handwriting, something I do to memorise words. You get radicals that look wildly different when they are handwritten and down the road it's confusing. 心 for example is never written like this big fishing hook shape. I know how to change the font in the console on my end in Chrome (I only learnt how to do this recently and it's been hard figuring out the different fonts), but it resets back to the default every time I move onto another page or refresh my page. I wish there was an option to toggle between a handful of different fonts. The one I've started using is HGS教科書体 for example, it looks like really clean handwriting rather than the blocky kind of fonts that are often defaulted to.
Thanks for hearing out my request and I hope you understood why I'm calling for it. It makes a big impact for handwriting practice. My boss once told me my handwriting looks like a computer printed it (or something along those lines) and ever since then I'm trying to change to the natural handwriting look...