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Bugs and requests
Did you spot a bug in the dictionary? Do you have a feature request? Post it here!
CSV Export Feature
Feature request: different fonts
User-defined pagination for user-defined lists
"tags" explanation and discrimination
Suggestion - Improving search for verb forms
キルティング article may have incorrect romanization
勝利 article may have incorrect romanization
鷹 article's example sentence has no translation
Some searches not working anymore
Wrong pitch for 俺
Can we add this to the website?
Example sentence links to the wrong word
Converging tags feature
JLPT lists don't seem to be current
Saving Word to List is Buggy
There is a word missing - べちゃる
Contradicting pitch accent graph with pitch accent info, which is correct?
Feature Request: Link to more examples on Tatoeba
Pop up and location of Japanese sentence is wrong meaning for kanji
List #important_rad
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